mercoledì 29 luglio 2015


Entrevista realizada por Laura Tressel.
Traducida por Miriam Jiménez.

Hola Julie, ¿Puedes contarnos un poco acerca de tu pasantía y cuál es la labor que desempeñas?

     Estoy realizando un período de prácticas en  Gestión Comercial y Marketing para una joyería muy prestigiosa situada en Piazza Santa Croce. Fundamentalmente, mi labor es encargarme de todos los medios de comunicación social o ‘Social Media’ de la tienda, además de servir como vehículo entre los clientes y CEO cuando llevan a cabo comunicaciones a través de correo electrónico y Facebook. Tambien hago marketing del producto. Tomo fotos de muchos de los objetos de la tienda y posteriormente las publico en la página web de la empresa. Por otro lado, estoy a cargo del boletín de noticias mensual de la tienda, el cual estaré realizando durante el mes de enero, incluso después de que acabe mi pasantía.

¿Has aprendido algo especialmente interesante durante este tiempo?

     He aprendido cómo identificar piedras preciosas. He estado tomando fotos de las joyas en la tienda para publicarlas en la página de Facebook. Una vez etiqueté una pieza como safiro, pero realmente era una tanzanita. Mi jefa no se enfadó, sino que, por el contrario, pensó que lo ocurrido era muy gracioso. Pero ahora conozco todas las diferencias existentes entre las diferentes piedras.

¿Qué estás estudiando en la escuela  y cómo lo aplicas aquí?

     Mi especialidad es la Gestión Politica y Sanitaria. Es cierto que no está muy relacionado con el tipo de pasantía que estoy realizando y es un poco anecdótico cómo ocurrió todo… Encontré el Istituto Europeo a través de internet, debido a que yo había estudiado en Florencia durante el otoño, y quería volver, ya que realmente me gustó.

     Sentí que no había pasado tiempo suficiente en Florencia, y además, quería continuar aprendiendo italiano. Cuando fui aceptada en el Programa de Prácticas, me comunicaron que no había ninguna pasantía disponible para mi campo de estudio, por lo que mi Curriculum Vitae fue enviado a varias empresas. Fue entonces cuando ésta tienda se interesó por mí debido a que yo tenía experiencia en medios de comunicación social o ‘social media’, y fue así como acabé trabajando aquí.

Cuéntanos más acerca de porqué volviste de nuevo a Florencia tras estudiar aquí durante el otoño.

     Pues, el motivo principal es que realmente quería aprender italiano, y además, sabía que esta iba a ser más que una experiencia, y más divertida que si hacía una pasantía en casa, en Nueva Jersey. En cuanto a mi nivel de italiano, definitivamente está mejorando, aunque aún no tengo demasiada fluidez, ya que esto requiere años, pero creo que las clases en el Istituto Europeo fueron geniales porque aprendí muchísima gramática, la cual no sabía antes de venir. Ahora logro entender mucho más durante una conversación y puedo hablar más, lo cual es increíble.

¿Qué es lo mejor de vivir aquí?

     Siempre hay algo que hacer en Florencia. A veces hay festivales o diferentes exhibiciones, pero siempre hay algo. Por otro lado, la comida es definitivamente genial. No tengo restaurante favorito porque siempre intento probar a comer en diferentes lugares. Hay un sitio que realmente me gusta, llamado ‘Pane e Toscana’. Tienen sandwiches con salami de jabalí, queso de oveja y mermelada de arándanos. Puede que no suene demasiado bien, pero creeme, son deliciosos.

¿Qué consejos le darías a un futuro estudiante o pasante que venga a  Florencia?

     Primero de todo, sobre el clima, hace mucho calor durante el verano, así que le aconsejaría que viniera preparado/a para ello. Además, es importante que, si viene para realizar un período de prácticas o pasantía, tenga una mente abierta. Le diría que no piense que no le beneficia el hecho de que las prácticas no sean de su campo de estudio, ya que cualquier experiencia es buena, y más que una experiencia académica, se vive una experiencia cultural y de vida.
     Se aprende cómo funciona el ambiente de trabajo, el cual está basado en la combinación de las diferentes culturas y valores. Aprender el idioma es definitiviamente una ventaja, porque les dará mucho para ofrecer. Creo que todo el mundo debería vivir la experiencia de vivir en otra parte del mundo en algún momento de su vida, ya que de otro modo, nunca  entenderán realmente cómo funciona el mundo. Se volverán más comprensivos y tolerantes hacia los demás, y creo que esto te hace más amigable porque quieres conocer gente, hablar con ellos y aprender de sus diferentes experiencias.

¿Crees que volverás de nuevo?

     Me encanta Florencia. Me gustaría volver, pero no lo sé porque me gustaría vivir una experiencia como esta en otras partes de Italia que no he conocido todavía. Florencia siempre tendrá un lugar especial en mi corazón, así que estoy segura de que volveré en algún momento de mi vida.

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giovedì 23 luglio 2015

 Florencia, una experiencia que promete ser preciosa e inolvidable

     Me llamo Miriam Jiménez y soy española. Soy Licenciada en Derecho y Diplomada en Ciencias Empresariales por la Universidad de Cádiz. La idea de venir a Florencia ha estado siempre en mi mente, pero no para un largo período de tiempo, sino como turista, así que esta experiencia supera mis expectativas y me siento muy afortunada de estar aquí.

     Previamente a mi estancia en Florencia, estuve finalizando mis estudios de Ciencias Empresariales en Reino Unido, lo cual me motivó a querer ampliar mi experiencia en el extranjero, ya que es ahí donde verdaderamente se aprende el idioma del país y donde se adquieren costumbres y se conocen nuevas culturas, que posteriormente son de utilidad en la vida diaria. 

    Actualmente, estoy realizando un período de prácticas en la ciudad de Florencia, siendo mi misión realizar entrevistas a personas que conocen determinados y bellos lugares de la ciudad, y explorando por  misma los museos y rincones con más encanto de una ciudad que, desde el principio, me ha cautivado con sus hermosas calles y el ambiente tan turístico y acogedor que se respira y escribiendo sobre ello. Una ciudad que te hace sentir como en casa, donde todo el mundo saluda con una sonrisa y responde con simpatía ante las preguntas de turistas que a veces se encuentran perdidos, lo cual me recuerda a mi tierra y hace que el encanto de esta ciudad cobre aún más sentido para  y me motive para aprender italiano.

      Quiero visitar museos, obras de arte, edificios históricos, y todo lo que esta ciudad ofrece, que, hasta el momento, no ha hecho más que incrementar mi interés por seguirla conociendo. Esto es sólo el principio de una gran experiencia que promete ser preciosa e inolvidable.

mercoledì 22 luglio 2015

Delaney San Martino- Internship in Fashion

My name is Delaney, I just turned 22 years old, and I graduated from the University of Rhode Island in May. I'm really interested in going into Fashion Business, which is why I did an internship here. I studied Business Administration at school, but I took some classes on fashion to get some experience in the field.

Can you tell us a little about what you are doing at your internship?
I'm interning at a fashion group here in Florence, and I do a lot of computer work for them, such as using the program Excel. They are a consulting firm, so basically they give discounts on luxury goods to companies that they work with. They have a lot of clients in Canada and Asia, so I do a lot of bookkeeping based on client lists, damages to goods, shipments, and things like that.

Are you enjoying it, have you learned much?
Yes, I love it! I'm learning a lot about the brands they have here that are really famous and luxurious and that we don't see as much in America. It's really helping me broaden my understanding of fashion just by seeing a lot of the brands that they have here. I get to look at photos and look into brands which has helped with my brand awareness. I've also learned a lot of computer and Excel skills, and overall how the fashion industry works.

Why did you decide to come to Italy for an internship, and how did you choose Istituto Europeo?
I wanted to come here because I really wanted to travel. I was finishing up school, and had never gotten the chance to study abroad, so I wanted to make one last effort to live abroad. I decided to look into internships abroad. I really wanted to go to Italy because it's the fashion capital of the world, so I thought it was the best place to be. I'm also 75% Italian, so it's part of my heritage and I thought it would be exciting to be here. I found Istituto Europeo online during my search, and it was definitely the best option for getting an internship.

So this is your first time being abroad?
It's my first time living abroad, but I went to Europe when I was a Freshman in high school. But yes, this has been my first time in Italy and living anywhere abroad and it has definitely been amazing.

How was the experience?
I loved it. What I love about living abroad is that you get to experience the culture in a way that you don't if you just go visit another country. The Italian culture is very different and it was really nice to get to see it and to experience it as if you're part of it. That's really the difference between living here and just visiting.

What did you like most about Italy, and Florence in particular?
Well I visited a lot of parts of Italy, and if I had to pick, Florence was my favorite. I love it so much. What I like best about Italy is how relaxed everything is. In America everything is so rushed and serious, and here it seems much more relaxed and slow paced. It's really nice to be part of something that's just on the surface, just the way it is. I like Florence the best because it's small and very comforting in a way. It feels close knit. In Florence you can walk everywhere, you know people, it's really a comforting place. I like all the historical buildings and cobblestones too.

So do you recommend interning abroad to other students?
Yes! I definitely recommend the experience. I think Istituto Europeo did a great job of organizing everything and finding a place for me that was exactly what I wanted. I think it's really important that people experience different cultures and come live abroad. It's very valuable to yourself and to your future career, Hopefully in my job search in the future it will be an advantage not only having internship experience but also travel experience.

Contact us! -

martedì 14 luglio 2015

From New Jersey to Florence: Julie Greder, Internship in Brand Marketing

Julie, can you tell us a little bit about your internship and what you do? 
I am the Brand Marketing Intern for a very successful jewelry shop in Piazza Santa Croce. Essentially what I do is run all the social media of the store as well as being the medium between clients and CEO when they conduct communications through email and Facebook. I also do product marketing. I take pictures of a lot of things in the store and advertise them on the website. I am in charge of creating the monthly newsletter for the store, which I'll be doing through January, even after my internship ends. 

Have you learned anything especially interesting?
How to identify gemstones. I was taking pictures of jewelry in the store to post on the Facebook page, and I labeled one piece as a sapphire, but really it was a tanzanite. My boss wasn't mad, she thought it was really funny. But now I know all the differences between the different stones. 

What are you studying at school and how did that lead you here?
My major is Healthcare Management and Policy. I know it doesn't exactly relate to my internship, and it's kind of funny what happened… I found Istituto Europeo online because I had studied in Florence in the fall and wanted to return because I really liked it. I didn't feel like I was here long enough the first time, and I also wanted to continue learning Italian. When I was accepted into the internship program, there weren't any internships available in my field of study, so my resume was sent out to several different companies. This store was interested in me because I had experience in social media communications, so that's how I got to work here. 

Tell us more about why you came back to Florence after studying in the fall.
Well I wanted to learn Italian really badly, and I also knew that this would be more of a life experience, and more fun that doing an internship at home in New Jersey. As for my Italian, it's definitely improving although i'm nowhere near fluent because that takes years. But I think that the class I took at Istituto Europeo was great because it taught me a lot of grammar that I didn't know before. Now I can understand a lot more in conversation and I can speak more which is awesome. 

What is the best part about living here?
There is always something going on in Florence! Whether it's a festival or some type of exhibition, there is always something. The food is definitely a great thing too. It's incredible! I don't have a favorite restaurant, because I try to eat at different places all the time. There is a panini place I really like though, called Pane e Toscana where they have a sandwich with wild boar salami, pecorino cheese, and blueberry jam. It doesn't sound like it would taste very good, but trust me, its fantastic.  

Do you have advice for a future student or intern in Florence?
Well first of all, its really hot here in the summer so make sure you come prepared. More importantly, if you are coming for an internship, be open-minded. Don't think that if you come for an internship that isn't in your field of study that it won't benefit you. Any experience is good experience, and here especially you are getting more than academic experience, you are getting life and cultural experience. You learn how to function in a work environment that's based on different cultures and values. Learning the language is definitely a plus because it will give you more to offer. I think everyone should experience living in a different part of the world at some point in their life, otherwise you can't really understand how the world works if you never leave your home country. You will become more understanding of other people, and I think it makes you friendlier too because you want to meet people and talk with them and learn about their different experiences. 

Do you think you'll come back again?
I love Florence. I'd like to come back, but I don't know when because I'd also like to experience other parts of Italy that I haven't seen yet. Florence will always have a special place in my heart though, so I will be back at some point in my life.