giovedì 5 marzo 2015

Arianna Ghazi from USA, internship in Arts

Arianna Ghazi: “This job is perfect for me
I’ve worked at an art gallery in Florence for almost two months, and I like it a lot. I studied art at university, and now I study Italian here, so this job is perfect for me. When I work, I can practice my Italian while I learn the business. Usually I speak with clients that come into the gallery, and I also write to them. Sometimes I go with my boss to see some of the artists whose works are in the gallery. This experience is very fun for me. My boss is very nice, and I like to talk to the tourists who come into the gallery. I hope that one day I will be able to show my works in a gallery like the one I've worked at.

Arianna's supervisor says: "Our Gallery Internship is decidedly a positive experience. The students often collaborate on writing critical texts in English about our artists and participate in a constant exchange of ideas and incentives. Personally I find that through their presence and through the freshness of their ideas, I am able to find constant stimulus, which leads me to approach my work as a gallery director from new angles."